Business English Training is a Win-Win for You and Your Company.

Have you asked your HR department about funding your business English training? Don’t let your annual personal training budget go to waste :-/. Improving your English will improve your performance across many tasks, plus it will make those tasks faster, easier and more fun :-).

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Better Business English is a big win-win for you and for your company.

In the close-knit business landscape of Europe, where international deals and multinational offices are the norm, competent Business English is not a luxury – it’s a necessity. And in the last few decades, many companies in the Netherlands have chosen English as THE corporate language. Yes, your work life may be “100%-all-English-all-day-all-the-time!” So if you don’t speak and write English well – and comfortably – then you need to start improving. Now.

According to some experts, up to 40% of training budgets may go unused! (This source is in Dutch.)

At the top, human resources (HR) and learning & development (L&D) professionals – alongside business owners and managers – understand the critical role that Business English communication plays in the success of their organizations – and in worker satisfaction. Happy offices communicate well and with ease. Win-win.

The dominance of English in global business is visible everywhere. English is the default language for international meetings, conferences, negotiations, Ted Talks, everyday presentations and digital correspondence, not to mention that many, many offices here in the Netherlands have chosen English as the company language.

This may seem a bit harsh, but for many companies, when it comes to Business English, you and your colleagues can get on board or fall behind. Just like your phone and your desktop, you have to update your English.

For workers in European international companies, proficiency in Business English is not just about being able to communicate at a “so-so” (=mwah) level; it’s about speaking English with precision, clarity, effectiveness, ease and confidence.

Read more about in-company Business English corporate training

Read more about private intensive Business English courses

Why better Business English? It’s probably obvious, but let’s list a few things.

1. Enhanced Communication: Clear communication reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings and errors, ensuring that projects and collaborations run smoothly.

2. Competitive Edge: Employees skilled in Business English can represent their companies confidently and can compete with native speakers when selling, persuading and negotiating.

3. Improved Collaboration: English proficiency is essential for collaboration with multinational teams and stakeholders, facilitating seamless integration and more harmonious, multicultural relationships.

4. Increased Efficiency: With the proficiency in Business English, employees can navigate through international regulations, contracts, and documentation more swiftly, saving time and resources.

5. Reduced Stress and Burnout: performing tasks in a second language is difficult and adds significant pressure to workers’ lives. Employees who do not speak English well, but must use it regardless, will suffer more failure, anxiety and fatigue.  

6. Professional Development: Offering Business English training helps in personal development, which in turn can increase job satisfaction, loyalty, and reduce employee turnover.

7. Attracting Talent: Companies that invest in language training are more attractive to top-tier professionals who want to work for companies that value their development and global competence.

Business English is about so much more than high school vocabulary and grammar…

… it encompasses understanding the nuances of business etiquette, the sound of your voice (your accent), cultural sensitivity / social intelligence, and the ability to persuade, negotiate, and build rapport. Your English ability is on display every time you open your mouth.

And don’t forget listening for understanding. This hard-to-observe skill requires a broad vocabulary, knowledge of verb tenses and a good sense of pragmatics. The latter of which looks at understanding intended meaning vs superficial meaning.

Investing in Business English training is a strategic decision that can have a profound impact on a company’s global operations. It empowers employees to work together, to act as relationship builders for their companies, to enhance the organization’s international reputation, and it paves the way for future growth.

For HR and L&D professionals, business owners, and managers in European companies, leveraging annual corporate budgets to build English language skills is not just about staying competitive; it’s about leading with confidence.

Have you asked your HR department about funding your business English training? Don’t let your personal budget for this year go to waste! Improving your English will improve your performance across many tasks, plus it will make those tasks faster, easier and more rewarding.

We can provide a proposal and bill your company for your private, customized Business English training. Ask us.

We offer a free online intake. Request your free intake appointment today.

English Center courses are offered online, at corporate locations like yours (:-) and at our locations in Amsterdam, Den Haag and Amstelveen.

Brenda de Jong-Pauley for The English Center (2023)

Call The English Center +31 20 823 0569.

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