Compact vocabulary of common business terms: Intermediate & advanced  level

Vocabulary is the number one task for language learners. This “Essential Business English Terms” glossary is appropriate for anyone who wants to expand their Business English vocabulary and is especially intended for non native speakers at an intermediate or higher level. This list is very far from exhaustive (= it is far from complete), but it can help you measure your vocabulary knowledge, and we hope, teach you some new key Business English terms.

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This compact glossary is divided into ten categories of essential business vocabulary. It starts with “entrepreneurship” and ends with “corporate ethics,” but there’s a lot in between! So… are you ready? Let’s dive into the wordy-world of Business English, exploring the essential terms that everyone in business needs to know.

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Entrepreneurship and Business Management: Essential Business English Terms

Entrepreneurs are, perhaps, the rock stars of the business world. They start new companies. Many of these companies will fail, but some will prosper. Ever heard of Steve Jobs?;-) Tip: In American English, pronounce entrepreneurship as on-trə-prə-nər-ship.

1. Entrepreneur – An individual who starts and runs a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.

2. Stakeholder – Any person or group who has an interest in the success and operations of a business.

3. Risk tolerance – The level to which an entrepreneur or investor is willing to risk their money.

4. Startup business or startup company – a new company.

5. Angel investor – An angel investor provides initial money for startup businesses, usually in exchange for ownership equity in the company.

6. Seed money – The initial investment needed to start a new company.

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Finance and Investment Terms: Essential Vocabulary

This category covers a few of the common terms related to business finance and investments, which are essential for understanding the financial dynamics of a company.

1. Asset – Anything of value owned by a business, which can provide future economic benefits.

2. Liability – Financial obligations that a company owes to others, like loans and mortgages.

3. Equity – The value of an owner’s shares within a company, representing their stake.

4. Capital  – Wealth in the form of money or assets, used or invested in a business by its owners.

5. P&L – Profit and loss.

6. ROI – Return on investment.

7. Balance sheet – a statement of the assets, liabilities, and capital of a business or other organisation. It is a “snapshot,” detailing the balance of income and expenditure (=spending) over a given period of time.

Are you looking for an Intensive Business English course? We offer intensives (spoedcursussen) online and in Amsterdam, Den Haag & Amstelveen.

Marketing and Sales Vocabulary: Top Terms

The field of marketing and sales is full of specialised terminology that helps professionals strategize and communicate effectively.

1. Brand – Simply stated, a name, symbol, or design that identifies and differentiates a product from others. David Ogilvy said that a brand is “the intangible sum of a product’s attributes.” In modern usage, “brand” often refers to the totality of how people think and feel about a company and its products or services.

2. Market Research – The process of gathering, analysing, and interpreting information about a market.

3. Conversion Rate – The percentage of visitors who take a desired action, crucial in sales and marketing.

4. B2B (Business-to-Business) – Transactions conducted between companies, rather than between a company and individual consumers.

5. B2C (Business-to-Consumer) – Transactions conducted between companies and consumers, rather than between 2 companies.

6. Cold calling – Calling potential clients with whom there is no previous relationship.

7. Prospects and leads – A prospect is stronger than a lead, but most prospects start as leads. A prospect is a “qualified lead” with whom the seller has had contact. The prospect is an engaged lead, though still not yet a “sale.”

8. CRM – Customer relationship management: a platform such as Hubspot or SalesForce.

Human Resources & Employment: Essential Business English Terms

Understanding human resources and employment terms is key for those involved in or interested in the management of workplace environments and employees. It’s also helpful for job seekers, especially as it relates to recruitment.

1. Recruitment – The process of finding, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organisation.

2. Onboarding – The process of integrating a new employee into the organisation and its culture.

3. Turnover – The rate at which employees leave a workforce and are replaced. But watch out!  The word turnover can also refer to gross income or sales over a particular period. You will know the meaning by the context in which the word is used.

4. Workforce Planning – The process of analysing, forecasting, and planning workforce supply and demand.

5. Outsourcing- The practice of having certain job functions done outside a company instead of having an in-house department handle them.

6. Background check – A method for gathering information about a job candidate, including the following “proofs”: Identity proof, proof of past employment, address proof and educational qualifications proof, among others.

7. Human capital – Employees.

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International Trade and Globalization: Business English Terms

For international business professionals, these are a few of the terms necessary for talking about global trade dynamics.

1. Globalisation – The process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide.

2. Export – Goods or services produced in one country and sold to buyers in another.

3. Import – Bringing goods or services into a country from abroad for sale.

4. Trade barrier – A government-imposed restraint on the flow of international goods or services.

5. Customs – The part of the government that enforces trade regulations and collects tariffs.

6. Tariff – A tariff is a customs duty or tax levied on imports of merchandise goods. Most of the time a tariff is a percentage of value or a specific tariff (e.g. $100 per ton). 

7. Free trade – A policy that allows goods and services to be traded without restrictions or tariffs.

Technology and Digital: Business English Terms

With the rise of digital businesses, knowledge of technology-related terms is essential. Digital language is not just for the geeks anymore ;-).

1. E-commerce – The buying and selling of goods or services using the internet.

2. Big Data – Extremely large data sets that may be analysed computationally to reveal patterns and trends.

3. Cloud Computing – The practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data.

4. Cybersecurity – Measures taken to protect a computer or computer system against unauthorised access or attack.

5. Digital marketplace – An online store where customers can purchase digital products, such as software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and hardware as a service (HaaS), as well as many other types of digital offerings.

6. Multi vendor marketplace – A large-scale e-commerce store where multiple vendors can promote and sell their goods and services. Companies like Amazon, and in the Netherlands,, are e-commerce platforms.

Legal and compliance terms are central in ensuring that businesses operate within the boundaries of law and corporate governance.

1. Compliance – Adherence (=acting in accordance with) to laws, regulations, policies, and ethical standards in business operations.

2. Intellectual Property (IP) – Legal rights arising from the intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary, or artistic fields.

3. Litigation – The process of taking a dispute to a court.

4. Due Diligence – An investigation or audit of a potential investment or product to confirm all facts and financial information.

5. Code of Ethics – A document that conveys organisational values, a commitment to standards, and a set of ideals. In practice, used interchangeably with Code of Conduct.

6. Corporate attorney – a lawyer (=attorney) who is specialised in the area of the law related to corporations.

7. Lawsuit – A legal action in a court of law which deals with a dispute between two people or two organisations. Lawsuits often result in financial settlements.

Project Management and Operational Terms

Effective project management and understanding operational terms are key to ensuring business projects and processes run smoothly.

1. Milestone – A significant point or event in a project, program, or portfolio.

2. Agile – A method of project management used for software development, emphasising incremental delivery.

3. Supply Chain – The entire system of producing and delivering a product or service, from the supplier of raw materials to the end consumer.

4. Inventory Management – The supervision of non-capitalized assets, or inventory, and stock items.

5. COO – Chief Operating Officer.

6. Deliverables – The product or products of what you expect to have at the end of your project. Some examples of deliverables include a new product, a sales deck, or an increase in traffic.

Communication and Networking Terms

Effective communication and networking are essential for business success, and these terms are foundational.

1. Elevator Pitch – A brief, persuasive speech used to spark interest in what your organisation does.

2. Stakeholder Engagement – The process of involving individuals who may be affected by the decisions made by an organisation.

3. Feedback – Input about employee performance. This can be quite formal and extensive (360 degree feedback) or just a few brief, informal comments from a superior.

4. Networking – Interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional contacts.

5. Non verbal communication – This term often refers to body language and includes any communication that is not word dependent.

6. Upward communication – Upward communication refers to the flow of information from employees or lower-level colleagues to their superiors or higher-level management. “Managing up” means managing your superiors.

7. Brainstorming – An open and lively exchange & collection of ideas, suggestions and input with little judgement or evaluation.

Do you need to work specifically on spoken English? Do you need to sound better and feel more confident in meetings and presentations? Read more about Pronunciation Training

Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility Terms

Understanding corporate ethics and social responsibility is key for businesses aiming to operate sustainably and ethically.

1. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – A business model in which companies are responsible for the societal impacts of their activities.

2. Ethical Sourcing – The process of ensuring the products being sourced are obtained in a responsible and sustainable way. (Ethics are the moral principles that guide a person or  a company’s conduct.)

3. Transparency – The practice of openly sharing information related to company operations, decisions, and performance. (Transparency is related to the adjective transparent or “see through.”)

4. Sustainability – Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. (related to the verb “sustain.”)

5. Whistleblower – A person who (safely and privately) reports misconduct or other problems in a company. The whistleblower’s role is to report the issue to the appropriate person (always someone in authority). They do not investigate or determine the appropriate actions that may follow.

6. Circular economy – The circular economy model of production and consumption can include sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible. In this way, products are used as long as possible, and waste is reduced.

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This glossary of essential business English terms provides a resource for anyone who wants to begin enhancing their business vocabulary. As the world of business continues to evolve, staying informed with key Business English terms (both old ones and new, trending ones) will be crucial in navigating the global business landscape. Everyday new words and terms come into common usage, and we all have to keep up! This post provides just an inkling (=a little bit) of the totality of general terms for Business English, not to mention the plethora (=a lot of) specialist terms that every sector makes use of.

We hope this article helped you check your current knowledge of Business English terms as well as helping you learn some new terms. And of course, if this article inspired you to work on your English vocabulary, we’re here to help.

Contact The English Center today.

Brenda de Jong-Pauley, MA, for The English Center

Wordcount: about 2000

25 Diplomatic Phrases for Respectful Business English

How to disagree diplomatically and respectfully in Business English: A lesson with 25 sample phrases.

How to disagree diplomatically

Business meetings and negotiations are often “won” by the people who are the best communicators. In your native tongue, you may be a diplomacy champ, but how skillful are you in English? Diplomacy is a social and cultural construct, and if English is not your first language, you may not be skillful in navigating the subtleties of diplomatic English.

For example, can you disagree diplomatically in English? Can you disagree clearly but politely and respectfully – without creating hurt feelings, hostility, resistance or even enemies? No? No worries! We have some free advice.

Preparing to disagree

First, you have to listen. People will notice if you are texting, booking a vacation or planning your next clever comment while they are speaking. Show respect for the speaker with your face, eyes, body language and of course, your ears. And if you did not hear/understand/grasp what they said, ask them to restate it. Once you know what they said, you can connect to it and disagree diplomatically and authentically.

Don’t be rude when you disagree

Many Nederlanders have a very direct approach to disagreement, but you are warned to soften that in order to keep things friendly with English speakers. Dutch directness may be respected, but it is not always appreciated. As English speakers, we apply rules of diplomacy to our conversations. So be careful that you do not appear rude “in the eyes” of your English-speaking colleagues. 

International business: Beyond the Netherlands

Of course when you speak English with people from other cultures /  other countries, expectations can be different, and some cultures do require or expect a rather direct approach, but English speakers like diplomacy. 

Start with restatement

A good way to begin to disagree diplomatically is by restating the other speaker’s point of view. For example,  “Tom, I hear what you’re saying about the profits from last quarter. You’re right that they weren’t very good. However, I want to point out that there were some extraordinary conditions that caused that slump, and we don’t expect this downturn to continue.

With this restatement of Tom’s concerns, I have let him know that I heard him.  But I have still clearly disagreed with his point of view. 

Another example of diplomatic disagreement–

Your colleague says, ”Mary has been doing an excellent job. I think we should give her a promotion.” If you do not agree that Mary has been doing a great job and should receive a promotion, you might say something like, “It sounds like you’re very happy with Mary’s performance and she has indeed done some great work on our team. But I have some concerns about her organizational ability, and I don’t feel that she’s ready for a promotion just yet.”

Sometimes it’s not necessary to restate what your colleague has said. Sometimes it’s as simple as saying, “I hear what you’re saying. I know you’re concerned about this problem and I am, too. However, I don’t fully agree with the solution that you’re proposing.”

As you can see in the texts above and below, the conjunctions “however” and “but” are doing a lot of “heavy lifting” (=working hard) in diplomatic English. These connecting words are super important as they prepare the listener for the disagreement which follows the initial phrase.

Phrases for diplomatic disagreement 

  1. I see what you are saying, however…
  2. I hear what you are saying, but…
  3. I understand what you are suggesting, but…
  4. I know how you feel about this, however…
  5. Let me see if I understand your point of view. You believe… right? But I see it differently. I think that….
  6. Let’s see if we can find some common ground…
  7. I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one…
  8. I respect your opinion, however, I have to disagree on certain points….
  9. Thank you for your input, but I would like to present an alternative idea…
  10. That’s certainly one approach. What other suggestions can the team offer?
  11. Thank you. Let’s open this up for discussion…
  12. Thank you for sharing that. I can see some pros and cons in your proposal. My biggest concerns are….
  13. There are a lot of ways to look at this, and though I respect your point of view /experience/opinion, I see it differently…
  14. That is interesting but it raises some big questions for me…
  15. I would like to open this up for discussion…
  16. I would like to raise some concerns…
  17. I have some concerns about that…
  18. I am afraid I must disagree with you on that…
  19. I am afraid that I can’t say yes right now…
  20. I am afraid that we will have to table this discussion for now…
  21. We will have to revisit this in the future…
  22. I cannot say yes right now…
  23. We will have to keep working on this…
  24. I will have to think about this…
  25. We will have to go back to the drawing board…

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Bah Humbug! The (Ghost) Story of Scrooge.

A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens (1812–1870), is perhaps the most beloved of all English language Christmas tales, and always feels right at this time of year. The reader need not be a Christian, or a member of any religion whatsoever, to understand the simple message of the story: Be kind. Be generous. Be a good person.

Brief Summary: A Christmas Carol.

In A Christmas Carol, first published in 1843, Charles Dickens’ central character, the grouchy (=irritable, angry, bad-tempered) and miserly (= selfish, greedy, hoarding) old businessman, Ebenezer Scrooge, discovers that true success is found not in wealth, but in kindness to others. 

The story opens.

As the story opens, Ebenezer Scrooge is a rich but mean-spirited (=unkind, selfish)  old man who openly mocks (=is aggressively critical of, makes fun of) the notion (=idea or concept) of Christmas as a time for generosity (giving and sharing) and kindness. Dickens says, “Oh! but he was a tight-fisted hand (=reluctant to spend any money) at the grindstone, Scrooge! A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner!” (=These adjectives all refer to greed and the desire to acquire wealth, no matter who gets hurts.)

But one cold night, when he is visited in his bedchamber (=bedroom) by 3 time-traveling ghosts, Scrooge is forced to confront (=to deal directly & honestly with) his past, present, and future.

The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future.

As he faces the truth of his own greed and cruelty, under the guidance (=counsel) of the 3 powerful ghosts, Scrooge develops compassion (feelings of kindness) for what we would today call his “wounded inner child,” and by extension, for others.

Spoiler warning: The final scenes.

After the ghostly visits, Scrooge awakens full of good will and joy. He has truly been reborn, and understands that “charity, mercy . . . and benevolence” are everyone’s business, (= everyone’s responsibility).

Charity =giving to those in need; Mercy =forgiveness/kindness; benevolence =consistently having good, kind intentions.

A new man.

Truly “a new man,” Scrooge runs into the snowy street and pays the first boy he sees to purchase and deliver a huge Christmas turkey to the family of his employee, Bob Cratchit. Bob has long suffered under the terrible work conditions and miserly pay at Scrooge’s office and does not expect anything but cruelty from Ebenezer.

Scrooge also merrily accosts (= abruptly says hello to) some men he knows, and shocks them by offering to contribute (= to give money) to their charity. Finally, he attends his nephew’s Christmas party. He is so full of sincere kindness and happiness that he is almost unrecognizable. (= it is hard to believe he is the same person).

The next day, when Scrooge and Bob Cratchit are back at work, Scrooge pretends to be his old, mean self, but then surprises Cratchit with a huge raise (=a much larger salary) and help for Bob’s troubled family.

Scrooge continues to be a good man. He becomes a “second father” to TIny Tim, the sickly son of Bob Cratchit, who, according to the Ghost of Christmas Future, was going to die. But because of Ebenezer’s newly found kindness, the boy is saved, and Scrooge carries the kind and generous Christmas spirit forward into every single day of his life.

The narrator concludes the story by quoting Tiny Tim, who says, “God bless us, Every one!”

What are some of the most memorable words, phrases and quotes from Dickens’ A Christmas Carol?

“Bah humbug” – Ebenezer Scrooge

Bah humbug, which is still used to playfully express a negative attitude about a festive event is built from: Bah indicates contempt or disgust; and humbug, meaning nonsense or rubbish. The phrase first appeared in print when spoken by Ebenezer Scrooge in a Christmas Carol. 

“God bless us every one!”  Tiny Tim

 “It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide; and, if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death.”  Jacob Marley

“Come in, come in! and know me better, man! I am the Ghost of Christmas Present. Look upon me! You have never seen the like of me before!”  The Ghost of Christmas Present

“If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”  Ebenezer Scrooge, before he is transformed into a good man.

“You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato. There’s more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!”  Ebenezer Scrooge, when a ghost appears and he tries to convince the ghost, and himself, that this is all just a bad dream caused by indigestion.

“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me.”  Ebenezer Scrooge, after his transformation.

Do you want your own complete A Christmas Carol free ebook from Project Gutenberg?

Click our link to go to the Project Gutenberg page. There are no strings attached. No cost, no form to complete. And you can read the text of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol on any device.

You should be able to view these movies on YouTube. In the Netherlands, all the links I am posting go to free, public domain content. I hope they are also free wherever you are. There are several options for your Scrooge / A Christmas Carol movie viewing pleasure. I will share a few below.

The oldest black and white version of the film, from 1935, is called Scrooge. If you are a true movie lover, do not miss this vintage presentation of A Christmas Carol.

If you just want a little sample, but not the entire film, try this trailer for the 1951 version of A Christmas Carol, called Scrooge, also in black and white.

Or if something more modern suits you better, this Hallmark TNT movie is from 1999. A Christmas Carol with Patrick Stewart.

This link goes to A Christmas Carol, the Musical (2004).

And finally, here is a full audiobook, A Christmas Carol.

For all you Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol nerds– did you know…?

Read Ten Things To Know About Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Brenda de Jong-Pauley, The English Center of Amsterdam, 2023

Are you looking for more holiday movie recommendations?

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Heb je je HR-afdeling al gevraagd om een training Zakelijk Engels te financieren? Laat je jaarlijkse persoonlijke trainingsbudget niet verloren gaan :-/. Je Engels verbeteren zal uw prestaties bij veel taken verbeteren, plus het zal die taken sneller, gemakkelijker en leuker maken :-).

Would you rather read this article in English?

Beter Zakelijk Engels is een grote win-win voor je en voor je bedrijf.

In het hechte zakenlandschap van Europa, waar internationale deals en multinationale kantoren de norm zijn, is competent Zakelijk Engels geen luxe – het is een noodzaak. En in de afgelopen decennia hebben veel bedrijven in Nederland Engels gekozen als de bedrijfstaal. Ja, je werkleven kan 100% Engels zijn, de hele dag, de hele tijd! Dus als je niet goed – en comfortabel – Engels spreekt en schrijft, dan moet je je gaan verbeteren. En wel nu.

Volgens sommige experts blijft wel 40% van het opleidingsbudget onbenut!

Human resources (HR) en learning & development (L&D) professionals begrijpen – naast bedrijfseigenaren en managers – de cruciale rol die communicatie in Zakelijk Engels speelt in het succes van hun organisaties – en in de tevredenheid van werknemers. Tevreden kantoren communiceren goed en met gemak. Win-win.

Vraag je gratis intakegesprek aan.

De dominantie van het Engels in het wereldwijde bedrijfsleven is overal zichtbaar. Engels is de standaardtaal voor internationale vergaderingen, conferenties, onderhandelingen, Ted Talks, dagelijkse presentaties en digitale correspondentie, om nog maar te zwijgen over het feit dat veel kantoren hier in Nederland Engels als bedrijfstaal hebben gekozen.

Dit lijkt misschien een beetje heftig, maar voor veel bedrijven geldt dat als het aankomt op Zakelijk Engels, jij en je collega’s of mee kunnen komen of achterblijven. Net als je telefoon en je desktop, moet je je Engels updaten. Dat doet je met op maat training Zakelijk Engels.

Voor werknemers in Europese internationale bedrijven gaat het er bij vaardigheid in Zakelijk Engels niet alleen om dat je op een “mwah” niveau kunt communiceren: maar dat je Engels spreekt met precisie, duidelijkheid, effectiviteit, gemak en zelfvertrouwen.

Lees meer over in-company training zakelijk Engels.

Lees meer over intensieve privé training zakelijk Engels.

Waarom training Zakelijk Engels? Het ligt waarschijnlijk voor de hand, maar laten we eerst een paar dingen op een rijtje zetten.

  1. Verbeterde communicatie: Duidelijke communicatie vermindert de kans op misverstanden en fouten en zorgt ervoor dat projecten en samenwerkingen soepel verlopen.
  2. Concurrentievoordeel: Werknemers die bedreven zijn in Zakelijk Engels kunnen hun bedrijf zelfverzekerd vertegenwoordigen en kunnen concurreren met moedertaalsprekers bij het verkopen, overtuigen en onderhandelen.
  3. Verbeterde samenwerking: Een goede beheersing van het Engels is essentieel voor de samenwerking met multinationale teams en belanghebbenden, waardoor een naadloze integratie en meer harmonieuze, multiculturele relaties mogelijk worden.
  4. Verhoogde efficiëntie: Met een goede beheersing van het Zakelijk Engels kunnen werknemers sneller door internationale regels, contracten en documentatie loodsen, hetgeen tijd en middelen bespaart.
  5. Minder stress en burn-out: taken uitvoeren in een tweede taal is moeilijk en voegt een aanzienlijke druk toe in het leven van werknemers. Werknemers die niet goed Engels spreken, maar het toch moeten gebruiken, zullen meer last hebben van angst en vermoeidheid.
  6. Professionele ontwikkeling: Het aanbieden van trainingen Zakelijk Engels helpt bij persoonlijke ontwikkeling, wat op zijn beurt de werktevredenheid en loyaliteit kan verhogen en personeelsverloop kan verminderen.
  7. Talent aantrekken: Bedrijven die investeren in taaltrainingen zijn aantrekkelijker voor topprofessionals die willen werken voor bedrijven die waarde hechten aan hun ontwikkeling en wereldwijde competentie.

Zakelijk Engels is zoveel meer dan woordenschat en grammatica van de middelbare school…
… het is ondermeer het begrijpen van zakelijke etiquette, de klank van je stem (jouw accent), culturele sensitiviteit, sociale intelligentie en overtuigingsvermogen. Het is ook onderhandelen en een goede verstandhouding kunnen opbouwen. Elke keer dat je spreekt staat je kennis van het Engels te kijk.

En vergeet niet te luisteren naar betekenis. Deze moeilijke vaardigheid vereist een brede woordenschat, kennis van werkwoordstijden en een goed gevoel voor pragmatics. Dit laatste heeft betrekking op het begrijpen van de bedoelde betekenis ipv de letterlijke betekenis.

Investeren in training Zakelijk Engels is een strategische beslissing die een grote impact kan hebben op de wereldwijde activiteiten van een bedrijf. Het stelt werknemers in staat om samen te werken, om op te treden als relatiebouwers voor hun bedrijf, om de internationale reputatie van de organisatie te verbeteren en het maakt de weg vrij voor toekomstige groei.

Voor HR en L&D professionals, bedrijfseigenaren en managers in Europese bedrijven is het inzetten van jaarlijkse bedrijfsbudgetten om Engelse taalvaardigheden op te bouwen niet alleen van belang om concurrerend te blijven; het gaat ook over met vertrouwen leidinggeven.

Heb je je HR-afdeling al gevraagd om een training Zakelijk Engels te bekostigen? Laat je persoonlijke budget trainings geld voor dit jaar niet verloren gaan! Het verbeteren van je Engels zal je prestaties bij veel taken verbeteren, plus het zal die taken sneller, gemakkelijker en meer lonend maken.

We kunnen een voorstel maken en je bedrijf factureren voor je training Zakelijk Engels op maat. Vraag het ons.

We bieden een gratis online intake. Vraag vandaag nog je gratis intakegesprek aan.

English Center locaties: Zakelijk Engels training cursussen worden online aangeboden, op bedrijfslocaties zoals die van jouw locatie en op onze locaties in Amsterdam, Den Haag en Amstelveen.

Brenda de Jong-Pauley voor The English Center (2023)

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Bel The English Center +31 20 823 0569

Have you asked your HR department about funding your business English training? Don’t let your annual personal training budget go to waste :-/. Improving your English will improve your performance across many tasks, plus it will make those tasks faster, easier and more fun :-).

Lees je dit artikel liever in het Nederlands?

Better Business English is a big win-win for you and for your company.

In the close-knit business landscape of Europe, where international deals and multinational offices are the norm, competent Business English is not a luxury – it’s a necessity. And in the last few decades, many companies in the Netherlands have chosen English as THE corporate language. Yes, your work life may be “100%-all-English-all-day-all-the-time!” So if you don’t speak and write English well – and comfortably – then you need to start improving. Now.

According to some experts, up to 40% of training budgets may go unused! (This source is in Dutch.)

At the top, human resources (HR) and learning & development (L&D) professionals – alongside business owners and managers – understand the critical role that Business English communication plays in the success of their organizations – and in worker satisfaction. Happy offices communicate well and with ease. Win-win.

The dominance of English in global business is visible everywhere. English is the default language for international meetings, conferences, negotiations, Ted Talks, everyday presentations and digital correspondence, not to mention that many, many offices here in the Netherlands have chosen English as the company language.

This may seem a bit harsh, but for many companies, when it comes to Business English, you and your colleagues can get on board or fall behind. Just like your phone and your desktop, you have to update your English.

For workers in European international companies, proficiency in Business English is not just about being able to communicate at a “so-so” (=mwah) level; it’s about speaking English with precision, clarity, effectiveness, ease and confidence.

Read more about in-company Business English corporate training

Read more about private intensive Business English courses

Why better Business English? It’s probably obvious, but let’s list a few things.

1. Enhanced Communication: Clear communication reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings and errors, ensuring that projects and collaborations run smoothly.

2. Competitive Edge: Employees skilled in Business English can represent their companies confidently and can compete with native speakers when selling, persuading and negotiating.

3. Improved Collaboration: English proficiency is essential for collaboration with multinational teams and stakeholders, facilitating seamless integration and more harmonious, multicultural relationships.

4. Increased Efficiency: With the proficiency in Business English, employees can navigate through international regulations, contracts, and documentation more swiftly, saving time and resources.

5. Reduced Stress and Burnout: performing tasks in a second language is difficult and adds significant pressure to workers’ lives. Employees who do not speak English well, but must use it regardless, will suffer more failure, anxiety and fatigue.  

6. Professional Development: Offering Business English training helps in personal development, which in turn can increase job satisfaction, loyalty, and reduce employee turnover.

7. Attracting Talent: Companies that invest in language training are more attractive to top-tier professionals who want to work for companies that value their development and global competence.

Business English is about so much more than high school vocabulary and grammar…

… it encompasses understanding the nuances of business etiquette, the sound of your voice (your accent), cultural sensitivity / social intelligence, and the ability to persuade, negotiate, and build rapport. Your English ability is on display every time you open your mouth.

And don’t forget listening for understanding. This hard-to-observe skill requires a broad vocabulary, knowledge of verb tenses and a good sense of pragmatics. The latter of which looks at understanding intended meaning vs superficial meaning.

Investing in Business English training is a strategic decision that can have a profound impact on a company’s global operations. It empowers employees to work together, to act as relationship builders for their companies, to enhance the organization’s international reputation, and it paves the way for future growth.

For HR and L&D professionals, business owners, and managers in European companies, leveraging annual corporate budgets to build English language skills is not just about staying competitive; it’s about leading with confidence.

Have you asked your HR department about funding your business English training? Don’t let your personal budget for this year go to waste! Improving your English will improve your performance across many tasks, plus it will make those tasks faster, easier and more rewarding.

We can provide a proposal and bill your company for your private, customized Business English training. Ask us.

We offer a free online intake. Request your free intake appointment today.

English Center courses are offered online, at corporate locations like yours (:-) and at our locations in Amsterdam, Den Haag and Amstelveen.

Brenda de Jong-Pauley for The English Center (2023)

Call The English Center +31 20 823 0569.

Zakelijk Presenteren in English? Presentatie in het Engels– Zachte vaardigheden en slimme gewoonten.

In dit artikel over presentatie in het Engels, neem je een diepe duik in zakelijke presentaties in het Engels, waarbij je vooral kijkt naar de zachte vaardigheden en slimme gewoonten die bijdragen aan succesvolle, boeiende presentaties waar je trots op bent en waarvan je publiek onder de indruk is. Heb je binnenkort een belangrijke bedrijfspresentatie? Moet het in het Engels?

Liever over Business English Presentations in het Engels lezen?

Bekijk onze Masterclass Zakelijk Engels. Zes uur tot succes.

Of heb je een voorkeur voor een intensieve cursus? Mischien een spoedcursus zakelijk Engels in Amsterdam?

Je toolkit voor bedrijfspresentaties bevat advies over-

Voordat je aan dit artikel begint, wees een assertieve lezer en zoek gewoon de items hieronder die nuttig zijn voor JOU. Sommige van deze tips maken misschien al deel uit van je presentatie voorbereidingsproces (geweldig!), maar andere kunnen nieuwe, waardevolle vaardigheden zijn. Dus scroll er doorheen, neem wat je nodig hebt en laat de rest liggen. Maar eerst…

Je gesproken Engels. Ben je klaar voor je presentatie in het Engels?

Maak voor je volgende bedrijfspresentatie een eerlijke inventarisatie van je gesproken Engels. Hoe is je uitspraak, articulatie, intonatie, stemkwaliteit, spreeksnelheid, pauzes/zinnen? Ben je gemakkelijk te begrijpen? Klinkt je stem aangenaam voor je publiek of is hij staccato, hard, hoog, nasaal, vlak (zonder intonatie) of haperend (zonder vloeiendheid)?

Lees meer over de test Gesproken Engels van het English Center.

Lees meer over in-company trainingen zakelijk Engels in Amsterdam en online.

Liever in Engels over bedrijfsopleidingen lezen? Go to our page: In-company Business English training.

Uitspraak voor je zakelijke presentatie in het Engels.

Accenten en uitspraak zijn een groot onderwerp, maar het komt erop neer dat wanneer je Engels te veel klank fouten bevat, zoals klank vervangingen of ontbrekende klanken, je Engels vermoeiend kan zijn om te volgen en moeilijk te begrijpen. Accenten kunnen prima zijn en een bepaalde charme aan je Engels toevoegen, maar het is het beste om uit te zoeken welke fouten je maakt en hoe significant ze zijn. Met andere woorden: belemmeren ze de communicatie? Als dat zo is, moet je die fouten herstellen. Zo eenvoudig is het.

Laat je uitspraak van gesproken Engels professioneel evalueren, want je vrienden zullen het je niet vertellen! En als je voor de “gouden standaard” wilt gaan, een bijna-native geluid, kun je een gratis intakegesprek aanvragen voor meer informatie over coaching bij gesproken Engels en accent reductie.

Stem kwaliteit.

Wat is een goede stem? Wat is goede stemkwaliteit in een bepaalde taal? Dat hangt af van de taal. Wees je ervan bewust dat de “normale” stemkwaliteit in je moedertaal heel anders kan zijn dan wat het Engelse ook aangenaam vindt. Dat maakt een ander taal geluid niet goed of fout, maar het is een praktische kwestie dat je een Engelstalig publiek niet wilt irriteren, verwarren of vervelen. Zakendoen is competitief en je geluid moet je publiek aanspreken.

Als uw gesproken Engels verbetering behoeft, neem contact op met The English Center. Wij kunnen u helpen!

Op zoek naar een relevant boek van een top spreker van Kijk dan eens naar Julian Treasure’s, “Hoe je gehoord wordt: Geheimen voor krachtig spreken en luisteren.” Of misschien “Ted Talks” van Chris Anderson. Beide boeken zijn overal verkrijgbaar.

Oké, welk geluid wordt als het beste beschouwd in het Engels?

De populairste Engelse stem is een keel- of borststem met een relatief lage toonhoogte. Het wordt ook wel “de vader stem” genoemd, ongeacht het geslacht. Deze stem wekt vertrouwen op en stelt je publiek automatisch op zijn gemak. Als je al een gemiddelde tot lage stem hebt, dan heb je geluk! Zo niet, dan zijn er manieren om te proberen je stemhoogte te verlagen. Lees “Hoe je stem dieper maken”.

Is mijn stem te nasaal?

Als je denkt dat je misschien door je neus praat, probeer dan deze kleine test. Zeg “ah” op je normale manier. Knijp dan met je vingers je neusgaten samen zodat er geen lucht meer uit kan. Herhaal dan de ah-klank. Als de klank niet stopt of van kwaliteit verandert, heb je geen nasale stem. Een nasale stem wordt in het Engels over het algemeen niet aantrekkelijk gevonden, hoewel de Amerikaanse actrice Fran Drescher er haar handelsmerk van maakte in het populaire tv-programma “The Nanny”.

Een nasale of ongebruikelijke stem kan een aanwinst zijn voor zakelijke presentaties, voice-overwerk, enz… – dus als je een ongebruikelijke stem hebt en je kunt of wilt hem niet repareren, omarm hem dan!

Spreektempo en zinsopbouw voor presentaties in het Engels.

Hoe snel moet ik spreken als ik een zakelijke presentatie geef? Tempo heeft, net als toonhoogte, de neiging om omhoog te gaan wanneer we onder druk staan. Houd je tempo onder controle om je publiek de tijd te geven om te verwerken wat je zegt. Probeer geen indruk te maken door snel te spreken. Je laat je luisteraars alleen maar achter; zonder genoeg tijd om de betekenis van je woorden te begrijpen. En ga niet snel omdat je denkt dat mensen je fouten niet zullen opmerken als je snel genoeg gaat. Of ze zullen denken dat je goed Engels spreekt omdat je het snel doet. Dat werkt niet.

De beste presentatoren hebben een gematigd tempo en gebruiken frasering (pauzes) om betekenisvolle eenheden van spraak af te bakenen. Luister naar Obama. Hij fraseert geweldig: hij levert hapklare eenheden van betekenis die op elkaar voortbouwen en de luisteraar zachtjes en zelfverzekerd precies op het pad leidt dat hij heeft gekozen. Geen luisteraar blijft achter met zijn deskundige fasering!

Bekijk deze verzameling van Obama toespraak fragmenten van NBC News.

150 woorden per minuut is een goed spreektempo voor je zakelijke presentatie in het Engels.

De meeste experts zeggen dat ongeveer 150 WPM een goed tempo is voor een zakelijke presentatie. Lees je script met je timer aan om je tempo te berekenen en doe je best om niet te versnellen als je op het podium staat.

Als je je snelheid onder controle houdt, geef je mensen niet alleen genoeg tijd om te verwerken wat je zegt, maar straal je ook vertrouwen uit. Het is alsof je de luisteraars laat weten: “Hé, dit is mijn tijd.” ” Ik heb iets waardevols te zeggen en ik ga me er niet doorheen haasten.”

Taal muziek? In een bedrijfspresentatie ….? Ja!

Zorg ervoor dat je intonatie (het op en neer gaan, snel en langzaam, strekken en samentrekken van Engelse woorden en zinnen) correct gebruikt om betekenis over te brengen. Zonder de juiste intonatie zal je Engelse presentatie betekenis missen. Laat me dat herhalen. Je gesproken Engels zal betekenis missen in het oor van de luisteraar omdat Engels afhankelijk is van taal muziek (intonatie) om betekenis over te brengen. Zonder het juiste gebruik van intonatie kan je Engelse presentatie verwarrend, saai, levenloos of gewoon lui klinken.

Nadat je je instrument (je stem) hebt voorbereid, kun je verder gaan. Daarna…

Het is jouw presentatie. Wat is je bedoeling?

Bepaal voor jezelf het doel van de presentatie. Waarom geef je deze presentatie? Identificeer het hoofddoel van je presentatie; ken je motivatie. Dit is interne informatie en kan al dan niet worden gedeeld met het publiek, maar net zoals een acteur de motivatie van zijn personage moet kennen, moet jij weten waarom je het podium opgaat en gaat presenteren! Of het nu gaat om een standaard wekelijkse presentatie voor je team of om een topprestatie voor de top van een onderneming, weet wat je “waarom” is.

Takeaways voor bedrijfspresentaties in het Engels.

Vraag jezelf af: Wat zijn de beoogde takeaways voor deze zakelijke presentatie? Takeaways zijn de belangrijkste gedachten en feiten die het publiek niet zal vergeten. Dit zijn meestal hapklare, memorabele en herhaalbare soundbites. Als het publiek je presentatie verlaat zonder herhaalbare takeaways, dan ben je niet geslaagd.

En denk eens na over hoe je publiek zich moet voelen als ze weggaan? Je zou dit een emotionele takeaway kunnen noemen. Moeten ze zich… voelen?

Kies een register voor je presentatie in het Engels: niveau van formaliteit.

Je register is simpelweg het niveau van formaliteit die je zult gebruiken. Het is belangrijk om dit goed te doen, maar voor degenen die presenteren voor hun eigen bedrijf, misschien zelfs voor hun eigen team, zal dit super makkelijk zijn. Je kent je bedrijfscultuur perfect. Maar als je niet op kantoor bent of naar het buitenland gaat, houd er dan rekening mee. De bedrijfscultuur neigt hard in de richting van minder formeel, maar het kan verschillen van bedrijf tot bedrijf en zeker van land tot land. Te informeel kan beledigend zijn en te formeel kan je hoogdravend en sociaal afstandelijk/geen empathie tonen. Als extra opmerking: als je het land verlaat, zorg er dan voor dat je goed op de hoogte bent van de sociale normen zodat je niet, zoals wij in het Engels zeggen, “je voet in je mond stopt”.

Verzamel je informatie en maak je overzicht.

Begin je presentatie in het Engels met het verzamelen van informatie in het platform van je keuze. Verzamel de relevante gegevens, feiten en ondersteunende materialen. Begin met het opbouwen van de bedrijfspresentatie in je presentatie platform – welk programma je maar wilt. Natuurlijk heeft je bedrijf waarschijnlijk al een sjabloon in een bepaald platform.

Organiseer je presentatie in een logische structuur met een duidelijke inleiding, hoofdtekst en conclusie. Elk deel moet vloeiend overgaan in het volgende. Zorg ervoor dat het begin en het einde sterk en duidelijk zijn.

Bewerk de opzet voor een verhaallijn. Als je opwinding, spanning of anticipatie kunt creëren, helpt dat om je bedrijfspresentatie tot leven te brengen. Voeg eventueel wat verrassing of humor toe. Zie Nancy Duarte’s “The Secret Structure of Great Talks” voor hulp hierbij.

Begin je bedrijfspresentatie met een haakje.

Een haakje is een geweldige manier om aan het begin de aandacht van je publiek te trekken en ze echt te betrekken. Het kan iets simpels zijn als een interessant feit over je onderwerp, een vraag over je onderwerp die je aan het eind van de presentatie beantwoordt of een grappige uitspraak die betrekking heeft op je onderwerp. “Het belangrijkste is dat je niet begint met dezelfde introductie als de meeste andere presentatoren…..”Hallo, mijn naam is Jane Smith en vandaag ga ik het hebben over ‘De geschiedenis van betonproductie in Nederland’ “. Zzzzzz…..

Dia’s: Beeldmateriaal en tekst voor presentaties in het Engels.

Zoek of ontwerp aantrekkelijke visuals: Maak eenvoudige, duidelijke, boeiende grafische dia’s die je boodschap aanvullen. Houd de schermen overzichtelijk. Gebruik uiteraard de juiste huisstijl.

Weersta de verleiding om veel tekst op je scherm te zetten, want mensen zijn echt geen goede multitaskers (geloof me maar) en ze zullen stoppen met luisteren en beginnen met lezen als ze heel veel kleine lettertjes te zien krijgen. De tekst in je presentatie zou alleen punten moeten bevatten waar je tijdens je presentatie op ingaat…..NIET elk woord dat je zegt. Daarom heet het programma PowerPOINT.

Als een regel of twee tekst zo dwingend is dat je hem op het scherm moet zetten, zet hem dan helemaal alleen op het scherm. Die grote woorden worden snel gelezen en geven aan dat DEZE. WOORDEN. ZIJN. BELANGRIJK.

Als het schema en de dia’s van de bedrijfspresentatie er goed uitzien, ben je klaar.

Schrijf en repeteer je zakelijke presentatie script.

Ja, schrijf een script. Een goede presentatie geven is een stukje theater, dus net als een goede acteur, schrijf en leer je script.

Oefenen, oefenen, oefenen: Oefen het script van je zakelijke presentatie vaak. Oefen om zelfverzekerd en in een aangenaam tempo te spreken. Maak jezelf vertrouwd met je inhoud en visuele hulpmiddelen. De beste manieren om te oefenen zijn staand, met een spiegel, een vriend/partner, met de ingebouwde audio recorder van je telefoon of met de videofunctie van je telefoon.

Luister naar feedback en luister naar je opnames / bekijk je video’s.  Er is altijd ruimte voor verbetering. Blijf oefenen tot je een goed gevoel hebt bij wat je hoort. Het hoeft niet perfect te zijn of inheems te klinken, maar het zou (gezien de beperkte tijd) je persoonlijke beste moeten zijn. Als je je “tekst” kent, voeg die dan toe aan het notitie gedeelte van je scherm (alleen zichtbaar voor jou) of ga voor de “oude school” en gebruik indexkaarten met sleutelwoorden en zinnen om je op de rails te houden met je min of meer gememoriseerde script.

Als je het script eenmaal redelijk goed kent (perfectie is niet vereist), kun je werken aan andere aspecten van je podiumpresentatie, zoals…

Lichaamstaal in presentaties voor presentatie in het Engels.

Lichaamstaal is volgens sommige experts belangrijker dan je woorden. Of dat echt waar is of niet is onbelangrijk, maar wees ervan verzekerd dat lichaamstaal er wel degelijk toe doet. Gebruik deze tips voor een betere lichaamstaal tijdens presentaties.

Slimme tip #1: Meer over lichaamstaal en plankenkoorts: Uit onderzoek blijkt dat “jezelf groot maken” voordat je het podium opgaat of de vergaderzaal binnen gaat, je kan helpen om je zelfverzekerder te voelen. Bekijk Amy Cuddy’s TED presentatie “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are”. Het is 69.198.787 keer bekeken!

Slimme tip #2: Gebruik de videorecorder van je telefoon om te zien hoe je er echt uitziet op het podium en bewerk je lichaamstaal dienovereenkomstig.

Slimme tip #3: Bekijk deze geweldige video van de Stanford Graduate School of Business van de Amerikaanse universiteit, “Make Body Language your Superpower.”

Handgebaren voor zakelijke presentaties: Een korte lijst met handgebaren die je publiek helpen om te “onthouden” wat je zegt.

Vanuit je neutrale positie, met je handen op je zij, gebruik je de…

Cadeau: armen in een rechte hoek, ellebogen in, handpalmen omhoog. Gebruik dit gebaar om feiten of opties te geven.

    Tonen: Dit gebaar biedt veel mogelijkheden, maar je moet in lichaamstaal precies ZEGGEN wat je met je woorden zegt. Bijvoorbeeld, “handen op het hart” laat een diep gevoel zien, een hand die omhoog gaat laat een stijgende lijn zien, etc.

    Hakken: Buig je armen vanaf de elleboog en gebruik één of twee handen om een hakkende beweging te maken. Dit gebaar wordt gebruikt om te ondersteunen of om extra kracht toe te voegen aan wat je zegt.

      Tijdmanagement van presentatie in het Engels.

      Wist je dat de maximale lengte voor een Ted Talk 18 minuten is? Natuurlijk kan je bedrijfspresentatie korter zijn, maar wees je ervan bewust dat een langere presentatie betekent dat je harder moet werken om het publiek betrokken te houden.

      Als je aan het repeteren bent, verkort of verleng je je presentatie zodat hij past bij de toegewezen tijd of bij je inhoud. En als er geen vereiste lengte is, plan dan om je presentatie “kort en krachtig” te houden. Blijf ter zake. Wees beknopt en ja, laat ze “smeken om meer.” Oké, genoeg idioom.

      Tijdstip Tip: gebruik de ingebouwde timer op je telefoon om op schema te blijven. Plan vragen en discussies, indien van toepassing. (Later meer over het behandelen van vragen).

      Betrek je publiek.

      Gebruik interactieve elementen, verhalen, opvallende statistieken en beelden die je niet kunt negeren om de aandacht van je publiek te trekken. We leven in een zeer visueel en auditief stimulerende, TikTok-achtige wereld, dus geef geen preek of instructie. “Thou shalt not bore thy audience”. Gebruik je inhoud, stem, lichaamstaal en dia’s om ze gefocust te houden op jou en de informatie die je deelt.

      Vragen over de presentatie?

      In sommige gevallen zul je vragen en deelname tijdens de presentatie willen aanmoedigen. In andere gevallen vraag je het publiek om vragen tot het einde te bewaren, maar in elk geval moet je je voorbereiden op mogelijke vragen. Wees klaar voor verwachte vragen met goed onderbouwde antwoorden. Maar wat gebeurt er als je de vraag niet begrijpt? Dit is een reële en begrijpelijke angst voor presentatoren.

      Probeer deze benadering van vragen.

      Ten eerste, zorg altijd voor een helper in het publiek. Deze persoon (een sterke Engels spreker) zal je helpen met moeilijke vragen. Accepteer vervolgens dat je niet elke vraag zult begrijpen en dat dit niet altijd betekent dat je Engelse luistervaardigheid niet goed genoeg is. Het kan gewoon betekenen dat de vragensteller een sterk accent heeft of een verwarrende woordvolgorde of slechte grammatica gebruikt, enz. Maak je er dus geen zorgen over. Vraag beleefd om de vraag te herhalen. Als je denkt dat je het begrijpt, herhaal dan de vraag en beantwoord hem. Als je de vraag nog steeds niet begrijpt, vraag dan aan je helper om de vraag te herhalen. Als dat niet lukt, zeg dan dat de vragensteller na de presentatie een praatje met je wil maken. Je moet de zaken in beweging houden.

      In een grotere zaal heb je misschien meerdere helpers, die het publiek bedienen met een microfoon en vragen herhalen op een gemakkelijk te begrijpen manier.

      Ook geschikt voor een grote menigte is om de helpers de vragen te laten verzamelen en ze dan aan jou te laten uitspreken. In dat scenario krijg je de vragen niet rechtstreeks uit het publiek en hoef je maar naar één persoon te luisteren (je helper), wiens accent en manier van spreken je kent en gemakkelijk begrijpt.

      Natuurlijk moet je ook oefenen op waarschijnlijke vragen met de beste antwoorden. Onthoud dat het beste antwoord beknopt en “to the point is”. Ga niet maar door. De meeste mensen hebben een vrij korte aandachtsspanne en je moet tijd uittrekken voor meerdere vragen. Blijf niet hangen.

      Presentatie tech & apparatuur check voor je presentatie in het Engels.

      Test alle benodigde apparatuur en technologie (bijv. projector, microfoon, laptop) ruim voor je presentatie. Zorg voor backup plannen in geval van technische problemen. Technische problemen komen vaak voor en als “alle ogen op jou gericht zijn” is het niet prettig om die problemen in realtime te moeten oplossen. En zorg zeker voor een aangewezen technisch assistent die je kan helpen waar nodig en zeker kan inspringen als je een technisch probleem hebt.

      Onthoud tot slot de beroemde uitspraak: “Het gaat er niet om wat je zegt, maar hoe je het zegt.” Zelfvertrouwen, enthousiasme, duidelijke taal met een goede formulering voor je presentatie in het Engels plus een aangename stem zorgen samen met een goed gestructureerde boodschap voor een succesvolle presentatie.

      Brenda de Jong-Pauley voor The English Center

      Neem contact op met The English Center over alles wat te maken heeft met trainingen zakelijk Engels. We zijn er om u te helpen slagen in zakelijk Engels.

      Aanbevolen Ted-video’s: Deskundig advies over presentatievaardigheden

      Hoe spreek je zodat mensen willen luisteren (Julian Treasure)

      TEDx East – Nancy Duarte De geheime structuur van goede gesprekken

      TED Studio – Chris Anderson TED’s geheim voor geweldig spreken in het openbaar

      Neem contact op met The English Center.

      Ga terug naar The English Center homepage.

      Vraag je gratis intakegesprek aan.

      What is English accent training? Let’s start by answering the question, “What is an accent?” An accent is a distinctive, complex system of pronunciation, usually based on the speaker’s native language and geographical, social, familial environment. We all speak with accents, and we all have attitudes about them. In the world of ESL (English as a Second Language) the term near-native English indicates the highest achievement, meaning that the L2 speaker sounds like a native speaker of an accepted standard accent.

      Looking for our accent reduction course page?

      In this article, we discuss English accent training: Why it can be surprisingly hard, and how to approach it. This article is intended for both teachers and learners of general and business English. We hope it will help you think more about this habit we call “our accent” and decide if your English accent is A-OK, or if it needs work.

      Would you like to have a professional evaluation of your spoken English? Read more about The English Center’s Spoken English Test.

      Are you looking for private accent reduction training?

      Read more about English accent courses here. Courses are offered in Amsterdam, Den Haag, Amstelveen, online and at corporate locations.

      Why is correct English pronunciation so hard?

      Spoken language, when learned as a teen or an adult, is really a miracle of decoding symbols into meaningful sounds that match receiver expectations, and that’s not easy.

      Why? Most of us learn a second language with our eyes, not with our ears. Thank goodness, that’s changing, but in many classrooms, learners still absorb language through books and documents rather than by listening. That means you are decoding letters. Words. Spelling. And while some languages provide consistent, predictable connections between letters and sounds, English sadly, does not.

      English spelling: Are you kidding me?

      English spelling is (often) dreadfully disconnected from English pronunciation. It’s almost like a sadist devised this language for maximal challenge. Well, talk to the Brits about that. 😉 In any case, please accept the fact that English pronunciation is often disconnected from English spelling. More about that later!

      Babies do spoken language better.

      Babies learn with their ears and therefore grow into expert native speakers. By the time reading has been added to their behavioral repertoire, the exact sounds and structures are perfectly encoded and not much disturbed by the unintuitive spellings associated with so many words.

      While our adult brains are much slower and have to manage both sound and symbols, language learning, like eating your veggies, is good for you and your brain!

      Request a free online intake appointment with an English Center trainer and learn more about how we approach spoken English training.

      Learning English (or anything else) changes your brain!

      According to this article in Discover Magazine, “Learning anything changes your brain, of course, at least a little bit. But learning a language does it in high gear. John Grundy, a neuroscientist at Iowa State University who specializes in bilingualism and the brain, explains that learning a new language causes extensive neuroplasticity in the brain. In other words, when you learn a new language, your brain gets rearranged, new connections are made and new pathways are formed.  

      Grundy and his team have developed something called the bilingual anterior to posterior and subcortical shift model. That’s a mouthful, so they call it BAPSS, for short. The BAPSS model shows that in the early stages of learning a new language, most of the action takes place in the frontal lobes, in the anterior, or front, part of the brain. But as you get more fluent in your new language, the process shifts to parts of the brain that have to do with what Grundy calls “more automatic motor processing and automatic sensory information.” This is the point where you happily notice that you just read a phrase or answered a question in your new language without having to consciously translate.  Read the entire Discover article here.

      In English accent training, you learn new habits that become “automatic behaviors.”

      An ESL learner who wants to speak well and be easily understood must form new habits that are stronger than the old habits in order to sound better in conversation, meetings, etc. when there is no time to plan. Speech is an automatic behaviour. The speaker’s brain must KNOW, without any thought-delay, the correct way to make the sound with tongue, teeth, lips and throat all doing exactly the right thing in the moment. Just like riding a bike or driving a car. You know what to do, automatically.

      Sound confusion.

      Accent training clients often present with missing sounds, sound substitutions, and confusion about spelling and its relationship to pronunciation. Other common problems include poor or incorrect intonation, missing liaisons, and over pronunciation of schwas and other squeezed-out syllables, just to name a few things. Let’s consider a common problem sound. Meet the schwa.

      The schwa is the most common English sound and yet it is often mispronounced. This sound is the sound you would make if you were punched in the stomach. It’s a primitive sound, a bit like a grunt. It’s also the sound English speakers make when they can’t think of what they want to say next. It’s a filler sound usually written as “ugh….”

      To practice the schwa sound, try this target sentence, “Up the bluff, Bud runs with the cup of love” and speak the schwa vowel sound (ugh) consistently, across every word, regardless of the spelling. Can you do it? It helps to NOT look at the written words as you are speaking it.

      To hear the schwa, watch The English Center’s short Schwa Pronunciation video at You Tube.

      English accent training takes some time.

      Accent training requires identifying these pronunciation errors (old, “fossilized” errors) isolating those errors, helping the client hear the errors, providing information about how to make the sounds more correctly, and providing lots of practice material and opportunities so that new habits can be formed. The client must commit to self-correction, too. Accents cannot be “fixed” in one hour per week.

      With accent training, “the devil is in the details.”

      I have found that good English accent training really does take drilling down on the details. Many people do not hear their errors, and even if they do, they have no idea about how to correct them. So accent teachers must be very willing to work on isolated sounds with simple exercises. The point is that, in the very beginning, the teacher should never use tongue twisters or anything terribly challenging or confusing. Minimal pairs can be used to help isolate differences, but initially, the learner must drill the correct sounds without a lot of interference.

      English accent training and successive approximation.

      Accent training is a process successive approximation, so keep it simple in the beginning, and repetitive, with lots of feedback. Just help the learner build new habits – new patterns – that can become unconscious. Yes, the goal is unconscious, automatic behavior.

      The ESL pronunciation journey goes something like this:

      1. The speaker does not know what is wrong. The speaker uses spelling and/or their native language to decode English pronunciation.
      2. The speaker knows some things are wrong, but does not know how to fix them.
      3. The speaker can fix things, but conscious attention is required. The new habits are weaker than the old habits. Lots of practice and attention is required.
      4. The new habits triumph and replace the old ways. When no conscious attention is required, success! Near native English has been achieved.

      Reference: Susan Cook, American Accent Training. (Unfortunately, this book may have gone out of print.)

      Language music brings meaning.

      It could be said that pronunciation training is very much like teaching someone to dance. It is all about a combination of physical actions that provide a particular, recognizable result. While the artistry is essential because language music / intonation delivers loads of meaning – the learner must achieve the nuts and bolts items as well. Teachers must be willing and able to “get in the weeds” on sound production and learners must be committed to lots of practice to achieve real change.

      Is there one right way to speak English? One correct accent?

      No. While the ESL world divides accents into two big categories, AE American English and BE British English, there are many more kinds of English accents, both national and regional.

      In England, the 30+ dialect names/nicknames (which can overlap) include RP Received Pronunciation, BBC English, Posh, Estuary, Cockney, New Cockney, Geordie and Yorkshire, to name just a few.

      In North America, you have standard AE, Canadian English, southern US English, New Jersey English, New York English (every borough has a sound) Boston English, Valley Girl English, Mid-Atlantic English, Texas English, to name just a few.

      And of course there’s Australian English, New Zealand English, Irish English, Scottish English, Welsh English, South African English… and the list goes on.

      Check out this article for Nederlanders about the Amerikaans-Engelse Uitspraak

      English accent training tips for learners.

      English accent training tips for teachers.

      For the accent geeks: meet your articulators.

      Second language learning, such as ESL, is really an amazing feat that can create new brain connections and pathways in adult brains. And in the case of ESL accent training, our newly trained brains can tell our sound producers, which are called articulators, exactly what to do. FYI for you language geeks – the articulators include the tongue, lips, teeth, alveolar ridge, hard palate, soft palate, uvula pharyngeal wall and the vocal cords.

      Perfection may not be the goal.

      For many speakers, the goal does not have to be near-native English, it may just be spoken English that is understood by most people most of the time. But if you are going for your personal best – the CEFR C2 advanced near native level of spoken English – then be careful of over perfection. Or perhaps I should say that perfection does not mean perfection, because native speakers do not speak perfectly. To achieve true near-native status you have to flow and learn when to omit, reduce, connect, contract and to sound informal. If you want help with any of that, reach out to The English Center!

      Brenda de Jong-Pauley

      Return to The English Center homepage.

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      Business Presentations in English: Beyond the Deck.

      In this article, you will take a deep dive into English business presentations, looking primarily at the soft skills and smart habits that contribute to successful, engaging presentations that will leave you feeling proud and leave your audience feeling impressed.

      Do you have an important business presentation coming up? Gotta do it in English? :-/. Check out our Business English Masterclass. Six hours to success.

      Would you rather read about business presentation skills in Dutch?

      Are you looking for an intensive businesss English course?

      Your business presentation toolkit contains advice about–

      Before you start this article, please be an assertive reader and just find the items below that are useful for YOU. Some of these tips may already be part of your presentation preparation process (great!), but others may be new, valuable skills. So scroll through, take what you need and leave the rest. But first…

      Your spoken English.

      Before your next presentation, PLEASE take an honest inventory of your spoken English. How is your pronunciation, articulation, intonation, voice quality, rate of speech, pausing/phrasing? Are you easy to understand? Does your voice sound pleasing to your audience or is it staccato, harsh, high-pitched, nasal, flat (lacking intonation) or halting (lacking fluency)?

      Read more about The English Center’s Spoken English Test

      Read more about in-company business English training in Amsterdam and online.

      Liever in het Nederlands over bedrijfs training lezen? In-Company Cursus Zakelijk Engels

      Pronunciation for business presentations.

      PRONUNCIATION. Accents and pronunciation are a big topic, but the bottom line is that when your English contains too many sound errors, such as sound substitutions or missing sounds, your English can be tiring to follow and hard to understand. Accents can be fine and add a certain charm to your English, but it is best to find out what errors you’re making and how significant they are. In other words–do they interfere with communication? If they do, you need to fix those mistakes. It’s that simple.

      Get a professional evaluation of your spoken English pronunciation, because your friends won’t tell you! And if you want to go for the “gold standard,” a near-native sound, you can request a free intake appointment to learn more about spoken English coaching and accent reduction.

      Voice Quality.

      What is a good voice? What is good voice quality in a given language? That depends on the language. Be aware that the “normal” voice quality in your native language may be very different than that which the English ear finds pleasing. That does not make any other language-sound right or wrong, but it is a practical matter that you do not want to irritate, confuse or bore an English-speaking audience. Business is competitive, and your sound must capture your audience.

      If your spoken English needs improvement, contact The English Center. We can help!

      Looking for a relevant book from a top speaker? Check out Julian Treasure’s,  “How to be heard: Secrets for powerful speaking and listening.” Or maybe Chris Anderson’s “Ted Talks.” Both books are widely available.

      OK, so what sound is considered best in English?

      The most popular English voice is a throat or chest voice with a relatively low pitch. It is sometimes called “the daddy voice,” regardless of gender. This voice signals seems to trigger confidence and will automatically put your audience at ease. If you already have a mid to low voice, you are in luck! If not, there are ways to try to lower your voice pitch. Read “How to make your voice deeper.”

      Is my voice too nasal?

      If you think maybe you speak through your nose,” try this little test. Say ah in your normal way. Then use your fingers to pinch your nostrils together so that no air can come out. Then repeat the ah sound. If the sound does not stop or change quality, you do not have a nasal voice. A nasal voice is not generally considered attractive in English, although American actress Fran Dresher made it her trademark in the popular TV show, “The Nanny.”

      A nasal or unusual voice can be an asset for business presentations, voiceover work, etc. – if it makes you memorable, so if you have an unusual voice and you can’t or don’t want to fix it, embrace it!

      Rate of speech and phrasing for business presentations.

      How fast should I speak when giving a business presentation? Pace, like pitch, tends to go up when we are under pressure. Control your pace in order to give your audience time to process what you are saying. Do not try to impress by speaking quickly. You will only leave your listeners behind; without enough time to derive meaning from your words. And do not go fast because you imagine that people will not notice your errors if you go fast enough. Or they will think you speak English well because you speak it fast. That doesn’t work.

      The best presenters take a moderate pace and use phrasing (pauses) to delineate meaningful units of speech. Listen to Obama. He does a great job of phrasing: delivering bite size units of meaning that build on one another, leading the listener gently and confidently on precisely the path he has chosen. No listener is left behind with his expert phrasing!

      See this collection of Obama speech snippets from NBC News.

      150 Words per minute is a good rate of speech for your business presentation.

      Most experts say about 150 WPM is a good rate for a business presentation. Read your script with your timer on to calculate your pace and do your best not to speed up when you’re on stage.

      Control your speed and you will not only give people enough time to process what you are saying; you will signal confidence. It’s like you’re letting the listeners know, “Hey, this is my time. I have something of value to say and I’m not going to rush through it.”

      Language music? In a business presentation….? Yes!

      Be sure that you are correctly using intonation (the ups and downs, fast and slow, stretches and contractions of English words and sentences) to carry meaning. Without proper intonation your English prsentation will lack meaning. Let me repeat that. Your spoken English will lack meaning in the ear of the listener because English relies on language music (intonation) to carry meaning. Without the proper use of intonation, your English presentation can sound confusing, bored, lifeless or just plain lazy.

      After you have prepared your instrument (your voice), you can proceed. Next…

      It’s your presentation. What is your intent?

      Define the purpose of the presentation for yourself. Why are you giving this presentation? Identify the main goal of your presentation; know your motivation. This is internal information and may or may not be shared with the audience, but just like an actor has to know the motivation of the character, you have to know why you are going to take the stage and present! Whether it’s simply to deliver a standard weekly presentation for your team or it’s a C-suite, high stakes, make-or-break performance, know your “why.”

      Business presentation takeaways.

      Ask yourself: What are the intended takeaways for this business presentation? Takeaways are the most important thoughts and facts that the audience will not forget. These are usually bitesize, memorable and repeatable soundbites. If the audience leaves your presentation with no repeatable takeaways, you did not succeed.

      And please consider how your audience should feel when they leave? You might call this an emotional takeaway. Should they feel…?

      Choose a register.

      Your register is simply the level of formality you will use. Getting this right is important, but for those of you presenting to your own company, maybe even to your own team, this will be super easy. You know your company culture perfectly. But when you are out of the office or go abroad, keep it in mind. Company culture is trending hard toward less formal, but it can differ from business to business and certainly from country to country. Being too informal can be insulting and being too formal can make you appear pompous and socially distant / lacking empathy. As an extra note, when you do leave the country, please be sure that you are well versed on social norms so that you do not, as we say, “put your foot in your mouth.”

      Gather your info and create your outline.

      Now begin gathering your information in your platform of choice. Collect the relevant data, facts, and supporting materials. Start building the business presentation in your presentation platform – whatever program you like. Of course your company probably already has a template in a particular platform.

      Organize your presentation into a logical structure with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Each part should flow smoothly into the next. Be sure that the beginning and end are strong and clear.

      Edit the outline for a narrative or story arc. If you can create some excitement, tension, or anticipation, that helps bring your business presentation to life. Add some surprise or humour if appropriate. See Nancy Duarte’s “The Secret Structure of Great Talks” for help with this.

      Begin your business presntation with a hook.

      A hook is a great way to capture your audiences attention at the beginning and get them really engaged. It can be something as simple as an interesting fact about your topic, a question about your topic that you will answer by the end of the presentation or a funny saying that relates to your topic. What is most important is that you don’t start with the same introduction as most other presenters…..”Hi, my name is Jane Smith and today I am going to talk about The History of Concrete Production in The Netherlands”. Zzzzzz…..

      Slides: Visuals and text.

      Source or design engaging visuals: Create simple, clear, engaging graphic slides that complement your message. Keep the screens clear and uncluttered. Obviously, use appropriate branding.

      Resist the temptation to have lots of text on your screen because humans are really not good multitaskers (trust me on this), and they will stop listening and start reading when they are presented with loads of small print. The text in your presentation should only be points that you elaborate on during your talk…..NOT every word that you say. That’s why the program is called PowerPOINT.

      If a line or two of text is so compelling that you must put it on the screen–then put it on the screen all by itself. Those big words will be quickly read and will signal that THESE. WORDS. ARE. IMPORTANT.

      When the business presentation outline and slides are in good draft form, you are ready to…

      Write and rehearse your presentation script.

      Yes, write a script. Giving a good presentation is a bit of theatre, so just like a good actor, write and learn your script.

      Practice, Practice, Practice: Rehearse your business presentation script many times. Practice speaking confidently and at a comfortable pace. Familiarize yourself with your content and visual aids. The best ways to practice are standing, with a mirror, a friend/partner, with your phone’s native audio recorder or with your phone’s video function.

      Listen to feedback and listen to your recordings / watch your videos.  There’s always room for improvement. Keep rehearsing until you feel good about what you hear. It does not have to be perfect or to sound native, but it should be (given time restraints) your personal best. When you know your “lines,” add those lines to the note section of your screen (visible only to you) or go “old school” and use index cards with key words and phrases to keep you on track with your more-or-less memorized script.

      Once you know the script rather well (perfection is not required) you can work on other aspects of your presentation stage craft, such as…

      Body language in presentations.

      Body language is, according to some experts, more important than your words. Whether that is really true or not is unimportant, but please be assured that body language does matter a lot. Use these tips for better body language in presentations

      Smart Tip #1: More about body language and stage fright: Some research shows that “making yourself big” before going on stage or entering the conference room may help you feel more confident. Check out Amy Cuddy’s TED presentation, “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are.” It’s been viewed 69,198,787 times!

      Smart tip #2: Use your phone’s video recorder to how you how you really look on stage and edit your body language accordingly.

      Smart tip #3: Watch this great video from American university’s Stanford Graduare School of Business, “Make Body Language your Superpower.”

      Hand Gestures for business presentations: A short list of hand gesture that help your audience “take onboard” what you are saying.

      Coming from your neutral, hands-at-your-sides position, use the–

      Time management.

      Did you know that the maximum length for a Ted Talk is 18 minutes? Of course, your business presentation may be shorter, but be aware that a longer presentation means you have to work harder to keep the audience engaged.

      When rehearsing, trim or extend your presentation to fit the allotted time or your content. And if there is no required length, plan to keep your presentation “short and sweet.” Keep it to the point. Be concise and yes, leave them “begging for more.” OK, enough idioms.

      Time tip: Use your phone’s native timer to keep you on schedule. Plan for questions and discussions, if applicable. (More about handling questions later.)

      Engage your audience.

      Incorporate interactive elements, story/stories, show-stopping stats and can’t-look-away visuals to capture your audience’s attention. We live in a very visually and auditorily stimulating, TikTok kinda world, so do not deliver a lecture or simply instruct. Thou shall not bore thy audience. Use your content, voice, body language and slides to keep them focused on you and the info you are sharing.

      Presentation Questions???

      In some cases, you will want to encourage questions and participation during the presentation. In other cases, you will ask the audience to hold question till the end, but in any case, you must prepare for potential questions. Be ready for expected questions with well-researched answers. But what happens if you do not understand the question? This is a real and understandable fear for presenters.

      Try this approach to questions.

      First of all, always have a helper in the audience. This person (a strong English speaker) will help you handle difficult questions. Next, accept the fact that you will not understand every question and that this doesn’t always mean your English listening skills aren’t good enough. It may simply mean that the questioner has a strong accent or used confusing word order, bad grammar, etc. So don’t worry about it. Just politely ask them to repeat the question. When you think you understand, restate the question and then answer it. If you still do not understand the question, ask your helper to restate the question. Failing that, tell the questioner to chat with you after the presentation. You have to keep things moving.

      In a bigger hall, you might have several helpers, working the crowd with a microphone and repeating questions in an easy-for-you-to-understand manner.

      Also appropriate for a big crowd is to have the helpers collect the question and then speak them to you. In that scenario you do not get questions directly from the audience and only have to listen to one person (your helper), who’s accent and manner of speaking you know and easily understand.

      Of course, you should also practice likely questions with best answers. Remember, the best answer is concise and to the point. Don’t go on and on. Most people have pretty short attention spans and you have to allow time for several questions. Do not get stuck.

      Presentation tech & equipment check.

      Test all necessary equipment and technology (e.g., projector, microphone, laptop) well before your presentation. Have backup plans in case of technical issues. Tech issues are common and when “all eyes are on you” it’s not pleasant to have to solve those problems in real time. And definitely have a designated tech assistant who can assist as needed and certainly jump in if you have a technical glitch.

      Finally, remember the famous quote, “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” Confidence, enthusiasm, clear speech with good pacing/phrasing plus a pleasant voice will combine with a well-structured message for a successful presentation.

      Brenda de Jong-Pauley for The English Center

      Contact The English Center about all things business English training related. We’re here to help you succeed in Business English.

      How to speak so that people want to listen (Julian Treasure)

      TEDxEast – Nancy Duarte The Secret Structure of Great Talks

      TED Studio – Chris Anderson TED’s secret to great public speaking

      Contact The English Center.

      Go back to The English Center homepage.

      Werkwoorden Zakelijk Engels: Een grote woordenlijst met nuttige Engelse werkwoorden definities en voorbeeldzinnen voor gebruik in vergaderingen, presentaties en discussies met klanten en collega’s.

      Deze werkwoorden Zakelijk Engels lijst met zinnen is geschikt voor CEFR Niveau B2+ Intermediate / Advanced. Gebruik deze werkwoorden Zakelijk Engels post als een les of een test. Kent u deze werkwoorden Zakelijk Engels goed? Gebruikt u deze woorden zelfverzekerd op kantoor?

      Wilt u uw zakelijk Engels verbeteren door privé training? Ja? Vraag uw gratis intakegesprek aan.

      Zoekt u in-company zakelijk Engels training voor uw collega’s?

      Wilt u heel snel uw zakelijk Engels woordenschat en taalvaardigheid verbeteren? Wilt u een spoedcursus Zakelijk Engels?

      Below is a glossary of more than 100 popular Business English verbs – Werkwoorden Zakelijk Engels –used for explaining and describing in meetings, presentations, and discussions. Of course, some of these words may also be used as nouns, but this list is only about action words (verbs)!

      100+ Werkwoorden Zakelijk Engels met definitie en voorbeeldzinnen

      1. Address: Deal with or discuss a particular issue or concern. We need to address the budget constraints before finalizing the project plan.
      2. Advocate: Support or promote a particular idea, approach, or solution. I strongly advocate for adopting a more sustainable packaging solution.
      3. Align: Ensure that actions, strategies, or goals are in harmony or agreement. We need to align our sales targets with the overall company objectives.
      4. Allocate: Assign resources, funds, or tasks to specific areas, projects, or individuals. We should allocate more time for market research in the project timeline.
      5. Analyze: Break down a complex situation or data to understand its components. We need to analyze the market trends before making a decision on expanding to new regions.
      6. Annotate: Add explanatory notes or comments to a document or presentation. I’ll annotate the slides with additional information to provide context.
      7. Ascertain: be sure of/certain, find out for sure. The software designer ascertained that it would be best to eliminate the two, older apps.
      8. Assess: evaluate or estimate nature, quality, ability of a person, thing or situation. We need to assess the relative merits of the two proposals. 
      9. Assume: To believe or think something based on expectations but without knowing with certainty. Often used to pose a question. I assume that the website launch is still on schedule…?
      10. Authenticate: Verify the authenticity or validity of something, such as documents or transactions. We need to authenticate user’s identities before granting access to the new platform.
      11. Authorize: Grant permission or approval for a specific action, expenditure, or decision. I authorize the use of funds for the research and development project.
      12. Beat: Perform better than. We beat market expectations with strong sales in the first quarter.
      13. Benchmark: Compare performance, practices, or results against established standards or competitors. Let’s benchmark our customer satisfaction rates against industry leaders.
      14. Clarify: Make something clearer or more understandable. I’d appreciate it if you could clarify the pricing structure for the new product.
      15. Collaborate: Work together with others to achieve a common goal or outcome. Let’s collaborate with the marketing team to create a cohesive campaign strategy.
      16. Combine: To put things together. Let’s combine our talents on this project and create something really exciting!
      17. Compare: Point out similarities and differences between two or more things. We need to compare the advantages of these two project management approaches in order to make a good decision.
      18. Compare and contrast: Look for and point out similarities (compare) and differences (contrast). In this presentation, I will compare and contrast the two approaches. 
      19. Conclude: To reach a decision after thinking/hearing about something. I have to conclude that we are just not ready to launch the new line.
      20. Concur: Agree or be in harmony with a point, decision, or statement. I concur with the proposal to revise the pricing structure.
      21. Consolidate: Combine or merge various elements, assets, or information. Let’s consolidate the financial reports from different departments into a single document.
      22. Contemplate: Think about in a quiet, serious manner. We really have to contemplate the risks and rewards of relocating our company. 
      23. Contextualize: To put in context. To understand in relationship to the setting or circumstances. We need to contextualise this problem before we can really understand it. Only then can we begin to think about how to address the problem.
      24. Contrast: Highlight the differences between two concepts or ideas. We need to contrast the benefits of outsourcing versus in-house development for this project.
      25. Convey: Communicate a message, idea, or feeling to others. It’s important to convey the company’s values during client interactions.
      26. Critique: Provide a constructive analysis or evaluation of something. I’d like to critique the current sales strategy and suggest some improvements.
      27. Cultivate: Foster or develop relationships, skills, or ideas over time. We need to cultivate a culture of continuous learning within the organization.
      28. Debate: Engage in a formal discussion or argument to explore different viewpoints. We should debate the pros and cons of implementing a remote work policy.
      29. Decipher: Interpret or understand something complex or unclear. I’ll help you decipher the financial report and explain the key metrics.
      30. Deconstruct: Analyze and break down complex concepts or structures into simpler components. Let’s deconstruct the sales process to identify areas for optimization.
      31. Delay: To do something later than planned. The launch has been delayed by technical issues.
      32. Detail: Provide specific information or facts about a topic. Could you please detail the steps required to implement the new employee onboarding process?
      33. Define: Clearly explain the meaning or scope of a term or concept. Before we proceed, let’s define the key performance indicators we’ll be tracking.
      34. Demonstrate: Show how something works in practice. Our IT team will demonstrate the new user interface during the presentation.
      35. Delineate: Clearly describe or outline the boundaries, features, or specifics of something. Let’s delineate the roles and responsibilities of each team member in the project plan.
      36. Determine: To ascertain, decide or establish exactly by research. We have now determined that this product should not be brought to market.
      37. Discuss: Have a conversation about a specific topic. Let’s discuss the potential strategies for increasing our market share in the next quarter.
      38. Diversify: Expand or vary the range of products, services, or investments. We should diversify our portfolio to mitigate risks and explore new opportunities.
      39. Document: Record or write down information, processes, or decisions for future reference. We should document the steps for onboarding new employees to streamline the process.
      40. Draft: To create a preliminary version of a document. My manager asked me to draft a sales proposal for a new prospect. 
      41. Elaborate: Provide more details or expand on a point. Could you elaborate on how the new software system will improve efficiency?
      42. Elicit: Draw out information, ideas, or reactions from others through questioning. I’d like to elicit feedback on the proposed changes to the employee benefits program.
      43. Eliminate: To get rid of something, remove it. In the website, we need to eliminate all mentions of the old product line.
      44. Elucidate: Make something clear through detailed explanation. Allow me to elucidate the advantages of adopting agile project management.
      45. Emphasize: Highlight the importance or significance of a particular point. I want to emphasize that customer satisfaction is our top priority in this initiative.
      46. Enforce: Ensure compliance with rules, policies, or agreements. We need to enforce the new safety protocols across all our manufacturing facilities.
      47. Enumerate: List items or points one by one for clarity. The team did a great job of enumerating the many benefits of this cost-saving initiative.
      48. Envision: Imagine or foresee a future scenario, strategy, or outcome. Let’s envision the company’s growth trajectory for the next five years.
      49. Estimate: To make a good guess based on available information. We estimate our marketing costs at 20%. 
      50. Evaluate: Assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a situation. We should evaluate the potential risks before committing to this partnership.
      51. Exercise caution: Be careful. We really have to exercise caution when and if we change our formula. What if people don’t like it?
      52. Explain: Make something clear or understandable by providing adequate information. I want to explain the concept behind our new product.
      53. Extrapolate: Estimate or predict future trends or outcomes based on existing data. Make an educated guess based on what is known. We can extrapolate the sales figures for the next year using the current growth rate.
      54. Exemplify: Provide a concrete example to support a statement. These numbers exemplify how successful this cost-saving approach has been.
      55. Expound: To say more. To provide a detailed explanation or analysis of a concept or idea. Please allow me to expound on the benefits of our new performance appraisal system.
      56. Facilitate: Assist, enable, or make a process or interaction smoother. I’ll facilitate the team-building exercise to enhance collaboration among members.
      57. Forecast: Predict future trends, outcomes, or results based on data analysis. We need to forecast the potential revenue growth for the next quarter.
      58. Formulate: Create or develop a plan, strategy, or idea. We need to formulate a contingency plan to address potential project delays.
      59. Gauge: Measure or assess the level, extent, or impact of something. We need to gauge the customer satisfaction levels after the recent service update.
      60. Harmonize: Coordinate or integrate different elements for consistency or compatibility. Let’s harmonize the branding across all our marketing materials.
      61. Innovate: Introduce new ideas, methods, or products to enhance efficiency or competitiveness. We should constantly innovate to stay ahead in the rapidly changing market.
      62. Illustrate: Provide examples to help others understand a concept. To illustrate the point, let me share a recent success story from our sales team.
      63. Implement: Put a plan, decision or agreement into effect. It’s time to implement our new digital marketing strategy.
      64. Improvise: Think and respond on the spot without prior preparation. As we move forward, we may have to improvise and adapt to unexpected challenges.
      65. Incentivize: Offer rewards or incentives to motivate certain behaviors or outcomes. We can incentivize employees to achieve higher productivity by introducing performance bonuses.
      66. Incorporate: Include or integrate a specific element into a larger context. We should incorporate customer feedback into our product development process.
      67. Initiate: Start or launch a process, project, or action. Let’s initiate the brainstorming session to generate new product ideas.
      68. Innovate: Introduce new ideas, methods, or products to enhance efficiency or competitiveness. We should constantly innovate to stay ahead in the rapidly changing market.
      69. Inquire: Ask for information or clarification about a topic. I’d like to inquire about the progress of the sales team’s new training program.
      70. Manage: to supervise, be responsible for, have oversight or leadership. We have to manage expectations about the new product line.
      71. Mention: Bring up or refer to a topic briefly. I just want to mention that our competitors have recently introduced a similar service.
      72. Moderate: Facilitate a discussion or meeting by ensuring balanced participation and respectful communication. I’ll be moderating the panel discussion on industry trends at the upcoming conference.
      73. Negotiate: To reach an agreement, often with compromise on both sides. We will have to negotiate with the new vendors as their prices are really way too high.
      74. Observe: To watch something or someone, usually over an extended period of time. The board is closely observing C-suite behavior.
      75. Optimize: Improve efficiency, performance, or results by making adjustments. Let’s optimize the website loading speed to enhance UX (user experience).
      76. Outline: Provide a brief overview or summary of a topic. Let me quickly outline the main points of our marketing strategy for this quarter.
      77. Oversee: Supervise, manage, or be in charge of a project, team, or process. I will oversee the implementation of the new marketing campaign.
      78. Pilot: Test a new idea, process, or product in a controlled environment before full implementation. We plan to pilot the new training program with a small group before rolling it out company-wide.
      79. Provide: Give precise details or instructions about something. Could you please provide further information about the target audience for this marketing campaign?
      80. Propose: Put forward an idea, plan, or solution for consideration. I’d like to propose a new strategy for streamlining our supply chain.
      81. Present: Share information, data, or ideas with an audience. My colleague will present the new product line.
      82. Prioritize: Rank tasks, goals, or issues according to their importance or urgency. We must prioritize these action items to meet the project deadline.
      83. Propagate: Spread information, ideas, or practices among a wider audience. We aim to propagate our brand message through social media channels.
      84. Quell: To make quiet or calm. We have to quell any rumors about cash flow issues.
      85. Recommend: To suggest or advise an action, thing or person. I recommend that you do more research before you make your decision. 
      86. Refer: To suggest a particular person for a particular job. My best friend referred me to her partner for advice about building a new website. Refer: to speak about / in reference to / something or someone. Was the CFO referring to this year’s figures or the previous year’s?
      87. Refine: Make improvements or adjustments to a concept, plan, or product. We need to refine the user interface based on the feedback from beta testers.
      88. Research: To look into something. Gain more information and insight. Before we start writing our new digital marketing plan, we have to research what the competition is doing. And of course, we have to research keywords. 
      89. Synthesize: Combine different elements or ideas to create a unified concept or solution. Let’s synthesize the customer feedback and market research findings into actionable insights.
      90. Reiterate or restate: Repeat a point to emphasize its importance. I want to reiterate that meeting project deadlines is crucial for our reputation.
      91. Reveal: Disclose or make known a piece of information. To make visible something previously unnoticed. I’m excited to reveal the new branding strategy we’ve been working on. This scenario reveals a weakness in our product launch plans.
      92. Revoke: Cancel or withdraw a previous decision, agreement, or authorization. We might need to revoke the approved budget due to unexpected expenses.
      93. Rationalize: Explain the reasoning or justification behind a decision. We need to rationalize the budget allocation for the upcoming project. (Warning: This can also imply providing useful-to-the-speaker but false or implausible reasons for doing something or believing something. Stop rationalizing! You are just coming up with excuses for the failure of the new campaign.
      94. Realign: Adjust or reorganise priorities, resources, or goals to better align with a strategy. We may need to realign our budget allocation to support the new initiative.
      95. Reassess: Review or evaluate a situation, plan, or decision again for potential changes. We should reassess the feasibility of the project given the recent market shifts.
      96. Reinforce: Strengthen or emphasize a point through repetition or examples. Let’s reinforce the importance of adhering to our quality standards.
      97. Revise: Make changes or amendments to a plan, document, or strategy. We need to revise the project timeline to accommodate the new requirements.
      98. Segment: Divide a market, audience, or data into distinct categories for analysis or targeting. We should segment our customer base based on their preferences and demographics.
      99. Settle: To reach a compromise, settle an argument, Settle for less: to accept less than what you really wanted. To accept a legal compromise. We’re not in a strong position. We’re just going to have to settle and move on.
      100. Settle down: To become calm or quiet. The team is settling down now after the shocking news about the merger.
      101. Settle in: To get accustomed to a new setting, role or situation. To adjust to a new setting. My new colleague is finally settling in to our office routines. The new salesman is getting settled in and learning the ropes.
      102. Simulate: Create a representation or model to demonstrate a concept or scenario. A fake version of a real thing. Let’s simulate the potential effects of a supply chain disruption to assess our preparedness.
      103. Solidify: To make a plan solid or definite. We have to solidify our plans for the new website.
      104. Streamline: Simplify or optimize processes to improve efficiency and reduce complexity. Our goal is to streamline the supply chain to minimize delays and costs.
      105. Synthesize: Combine different elements or ideas to create a unified concept or solution. Let’s synthesize the customer feedback and market research findings into actionable insights.
      106. Suggest: Propose an idea, solution, or course of action. I’d like to suggest a new approach to handling customer complaints that might improve retention.
      107. Summarize: Give a brief overview of the main points. Before we move on, let me summarize the key takeaways from this discussion.
      108. Sum up: To summarize / conclude the most important points of what has been said / presented / discussed. Can be used as a call to action at the end of a meeting. OK, to sum up, we are now all on the same page and in go-mode for this project, right?
      109. Supervise: Oversee and guide the work of a team or project. I will supervise the implementation of the new software system.
      110. Survey: Collect data or opinions from a group of people to gather insights. We plan to survey our customers to understand their preferences better.
      111. Validate: Confirm or prove the accuracy, effectiveness, or relevance of something. We need to validate the data before presenting it to the stakeholders.
      112. Verify: Confirm the accuracy, authenticity, or truth of something. We certainly need to verify the credentials of the potential vendor before signing the contract..
      113. Vet: Evaluate or assess something carefully for suitability, accuracy, or quality. We need to vet the potential suppliers before making a final decision.
      114. Project: Estimate or predict future trends, figures, or outcomes based on current data. Could you project the sales numbers for the next quarter based on the current growth rate?
      115. Walk through: Step-by-step explanation or demonstration of a process. Let me walk you through the workflow of the new projct management software. 

      Waaroom deze focus op zakelijk Engels werkwoorden?

      Een uitgebreide zakelijk Engels vocabulaire, met de nadruk op werkwoorden, speelt een cruciale rol in de moderne professionele wereld. Het stelt individuen in staat om effectief te communiceren, samen te werken en te onderhandelen binnen een wereldwijde zakelijke omgeving. Werkwoorden vormen de kern van actie en dynamiek in communicatie, en de juiste keuze ervan kan nuances en intenties precies overbrengen.

      Met een rijk scala aan Zakelijk Engels werkwoorden kunnen professionals ideeën duidelijk en beknopt presenteren, instructies begrijpelijk maken en betekenisvolle relaties opbouwen. Ze vergemakkelijken vlotte en overtuigende presentaties, overleg en rapportage. Werkwoorden stellen individuen in staat om hun capaciteiten en bijdragen te tonen, waardoor ze waardevolle teamleden en leiders worden.

      Daarnaast opent een gevarieerde woordenschat de deuren voor internationale zakelijke kansen, waarbij Engels vaak de gemeenschappelijke taal is. Het correct gebruiken van zakelijk Engels werkwoorden versterkt geloofwaardigheid en professionaliteit wat essentieel is voor carrière-ontwikkeling. Kortom, het beheersen van zakelijke Engelse werkwoorden verbetert de communicatievaardigheden, vergroot de effectiviteit op de werkplek en bevordert het wereldwijde zakelijke succes.

      Wilt u uw zakelijk Engels verbeteren door privé op maat training? Ja? Vraag uw gratis intakegesprek aan.

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      Wilt u wekelijks training Zakelijk Engels?

      Meer nuttige Zakelijk Engels artikelen.

      50 Business English vocabulaire woorden die je al kent: Lees en luister

      5 Pro Tips: Zakelijk Engels Woordenschaat vergroten.

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      Bijles Engels voor tieners: Op maat privé begeleiding Engels voor scholieren. Locaties in Amsterdam, Den Haag, Amstelveen en online.

      Voel je je zenuwachtig (bang), onvoorbereid of overweldigd door de Engelse grammatica, schrijven, spreken, luisteren en/of lezen die je moet leren? Ja? Dan is deze blog post voor jou!

      Contact The English Center.

      Wie zijn de bijles docenten Engels?

      English Center docenten zijn allemaal professionele native-speaker docenten van ons in Amsterdam gebaseerd team. De aanpak is op maat, vriendelijk, ondersteunend and gefocust maar ook organisch voor een totalle verbetering, groter Engels inzicht, fluency en gemak.

      Is The English Center een huiswerkcentrum?

      Nee! Dit is één op één privé bijles Engels met een docent die Engels als moedertaal heeft en die zich richt op JOU, je verwarring, frustraties, zorgen, doelen, opdrachten en toetsen. English Center docenten zijn in kwaliteits Engelse taaltraining gespecialiseerd.

      Is dit Engels huiswerkbegeleiding?

      Ja. maar niet alleen hulp met je huiswerk, maar ook ondersteuning voor Engels succes voor examen en in de toekomst.

      Waar vinden de bijlessen Engels plaats?

      De lessen vindt je plaats bij jouw thuis of op onze locaties in Amsterdam, Den Haag en Amstelveen. Ook makkelijk online!

      Voor wie is deze bijles Engels? Welke leeftijd en opleidingsniveau?

      The English Center werkt met scholieren op alle niveaus – Brugklas, 2/3/4 MAVO/HAVO/VWO t/m 5HAVO and 5/6VWO.

      Hoe vaak zie ik mijn bijles Engels docent?

      Wij bieden wekelijkse sessies van 1 uur (of meer) met een vriendelijke, native-speaker docent die je helpt om u voor te bereiden op jouw Engelse examens.

      Welke boeken zal ik gebruiken in de bijles Engels?

      We werken met je tekstboek dat je op school gebruikt om je te helpen de grammatica te begrijpen en met extra activiteiten om je te helpen de vaak vreemde grammaticaregels te begrijpen. Het kan zijn dat je in de klas veel grammatica oefeningen moet maken en voor veel studenten is dit niet zo leuk en een hele uitdaging en ook saai. Wij maken het leren van grammatica relevant voor hoe je in het Engels communiceert en geven veel voorbeelden waarom je iets op die manier zegt. Grammatica moet je niet ‘uit je hoofd’ leren, maar op een natuurlijke manier leren en gebruiken in een normaal gesprek of bij het schrijven.

      Zal ik Engels schrijven oefenen in de bijles?

      Ja, scholieren krijgen veel schrijfoefeningen – zowel leuk also serieuze betogen ter voorbereiding op schriftelijke examen. Je leert hoe je de structuur van de essay moet schrijven en hoe je verschillende woorden kunnen kiezen en gebruiken. (synoniemen)

      Kunnen jullie me helpen met mijn mondeling examen Engels?

      Onze docenten Engels helpen scholieren graag om zich voor te bereiden op mondelinge examens waarin je moet praten over romans, gedichten en korte verhalen. We helpen je om te leren hoe je de thema’s, personages en relaties van deze boeken op een leuke en boeiende manier kunt bespreken, zodat je deze boeken goed genoeg begrijpt om er zelfverzekerd over te praten en er ook echt plezier aan beleeft! We kunnen je ook helpen boeken te kiezen die je interesseren vindt en die leuk zijn om te lezen.

      Bereiden jullie scholieren specifiek voor op het Centraal eindexamen?

      Het leesvaardigheids examen aan het einde van het jaar is de laatste test van je Engelse vaardigheden. Het is een goed idee om je hier na de kerstvakantie op voor te bereiden. Op staan veel oefentoetsen. We beginnen samen met de korte teksten en geven tips en technieken voor het lezen van de vragen en de teksten. Het goede nieuws is je hoeft niet altijd de gehele tekst te lezen!!! Je moet gewoon weten waar je op moet letten in de tekst. Er zijn natuurlijk nog andere methodes die we je leren terwijl we ons door de oefenexamens heen werken. Wanneer het zover is, dan ben je er klaar voor de eindexamen!

      Leuk Engels huiswerk.

      We zullen ook voorstellen om Netflix series te kijken als huiswerk! Ja, je hebt het goed gehoord! Dit is een geweldige manier om je luistervaardigheid te activeren en woordenschat te onthouden. Maar je moet ze wel bekijken met Engelse ondertiteling.

      Hoe helpt mijn docent mij met Engels?

      We hanteren een leuke, holistische benadering van je lessen Engels en zorgen ervoor dat je voorbereid bent op je toetsen en examens, maar vooral dat je elke les in het Engels spreekt, leest en schrijft met feedback van een moedertaalspreker. Zo zal je productieve gebruik van het Engels je een voordeel geven tijdens de examens.

      Het staatsexamen Engels (college en centraal) van de middelbare school: 6VWO en 5HAVO.

      Als je in 2024 eindexamen doet, is het nu tijd om je voor te bereiden op alle Engels vaardigheden; spreken (mondeling), schrijven, luisteren en lezen. In je bijles Engels, begin je nu met het opbouwen van een grote, mooie woordenschat, uitstekend begrijpend lezen en slimme, hypermoderne skills voor het maken van toetsen. Wacht niet tot het laatste moment. Je eindexamen Engels zal erg moeilijk worden, maar wij zullen je helpen met alles wat je nodig hebt om te slagen.

      Engels voor het leven.

      Tot slot, onthoud dat Engels een hulpmiddel is, een vaardigheid die je je hele leven zult gebruiken voor hoger onderwijs, werk, reizen en plezier. Engels opent vele deuren en maakt van jou een wereldburger. Bent jij er klaar voor? Laten we dit samen doen!

      Wil je je bijles Engels training met een gratis kennismakingsafspraak online beginnen?

      Maak een afspraak.

      Lees hier over wekelijkse training Engels.

      Of bel +31 20 823 0569.

      Focus op test voorbereiding?

      The English Center is erkend door CEDEO and CRKBO.

      Onze native-speaker docenten Engels helpen sinds 2009 studenten met Engels en Engels examen.

      Learn about CEDEO certification here.

      Download our CEDEO client satisfaction report pdf hier.

      Prepare voor je English test.

      Een nuttige blog over Engels teststrategieën.

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